What We Do
Implement arts programs and initiatives in communities where young people are more likely to participate in and become victims of negative behavior, communal forces and law enforcement. As a result, young people become more engaged, confident and self-assured in making better decisions regarding their future. Furthermore, investing in at risk and inner city communities inclusive of crafting cultural experiences that uncover creative ability, promote development, applaud and expose gifts, youth can reside in stronger, safer and more culturally vibrant communities. We are able to stir up the gifts in youth who realize amazing results.
The organization has implemented various programming over the years to advocate and empower youth and young adults.
Targeted ages include: Youth 10-17 years old and Young Adults 18-25 years old.
Our programs are designed to reach parents and the community, as well, because we believe that reaching the entire family is important and is the bedrock to realizing successful outcomes.
We focus each year on various educational, artistic, cultural and community programming
inclusive of conducting workshops, round tables, artistic performances, community service
projects and initiatives such as “Give Thanks” Thanksgiving Feed the Hungry, Toys for Tots and
the recent filming of Now That You Know movie, which is in post production.
Programming Goals:
Release and Promotion of Now That You Know Movie to continue conversation and
support ending HIV which is still a serious health concern in our communities. Our plan is
to offer screening opportunities to schools, colleges, theaters and churches to view movie
and create useful dialog regarding awareness and prevention of HIV infection. In addition,
artists that have music featured in the movie are able to perform live and promote music
on major platforms.
“In Prep of HIV” Workshop offers information on HIV, new developments and resources
available to those living with the disease.
“Movie Night Round-table” exciting and entertaining event to promote community
engagement and is exposure for local artists and filmmakers. Conversations and events
presented around issues of bullying, suicide, abuse, trafficking, education and social justice
reforms. Quarterly round tables presented throughout regional United States. Target ages
for participation is 10-25 years old.
“On the Road to Camp” is a summer learning experience to introduce young people ages
12-18 years old to the many technologies of film-making and communication. Young people
19-25 years old are able to earn Community Service Hour and Income from summer work.
Dates begin in June until end of July. Plans are to implement camps in various cities such as
South Carolina, North Carolina, Alabama and Florida. As part of the summer curriculum,
we plan to implement a new component of PLAY Production to train next generation
artistic genius. Primarily Youth ages 5-13 years and 14-18 years will be trained in creating
and producing plays. They will learn how theater works and the technical positions needed
to produce a major play, culminating with an original play presented for public exhibition.
The entire schedule will consist of 6 weeks of intense training and instruction.
Annual Youth Symposium will focus on issues plaguing youth and impacting their lives in
school and at home. Opportunity to listen to our youth and glean from their experiences, in
effort to seek solutions and save lives..
“Give Thanks” Thanksgiving Feed the Hungry is an annual initiative that allows us to
donate food or baskets to those in need during the Thanksgiving Holidays and encourage
young people to give back through volunteerism. Since 2012, we have made this an
important piece in the organization’s mission to service. Also, we understand that many
people are struggling with hunger because of economic, employment and age. We want to
do our part, with the help from businesses such as Kroger Stores and Publix Supermarkets
(previous supporters), donors and other collaborations.
“Lovin Through Pain Christmas” in association with Toys for Tots is designed to promote
love during Christmas. Many people, especially young people are experiencing issues such as
Bullying, Suicide, Abuse and Homelessness. Christmas is a time of giving and restoring
relationships through love and forgiveness. Countless people in general and young people
specifically go through the year feeling sad and depressed and trying to manage trauma from
various issues. In many cases the Christmas Season escalates feelings of hopelessness. We want
to offer activities to lift spirits and bring joy through promoting love. Sometimes, that is easier
said than done, but we believe that allowing young people opportunities for open conversation
around these issues, in a non judgmental environment, filled with gifts, music, food, hugs and
listening ears will help make Christmas more joyful. “Lovin Through Pain Christmas” is unique
because we are not just handing out presents, we are handing up hope.